Project management in digitization

Project management drives and keeps digitization alive in the society and in organizations. This change is primarily occassioned by the desire to make a transformation from the current state into a future desired state. Thanks to project management, this can be conducted successfully regardless of the size and nature of the project. There has undeniably been an intimately close relationship between the two, otherwise it would not have been possible to experience rapid digitization of products and services that has been witnessed in the recent past. With better and improved planning, usage of advanced input tools and techniques, digitization has curved a niche for itself in project management. Apparently, this has also led to stakeholders demanding an increased involement in decision making and influencing the outcome of projects. Some of the benefits that this approach may lead to are but not limited to:

Observation of code of ethics by the PM (Responsibility, Respect, Fainess and Honesty). This will help bring control over products and services that previously have been exposed to misuse or unauthorized access. A case in point is the digitization of video services which previously was in the hands of video stores. There have been relentless efforts to ensure that copyrighted materials are not unlawfully accessed or downloaded. With digitization of these services, there have been dramatic decrease in the vice as most people find it convenient and hassle-free to buy videos online or rent them for a small fee and be assured of their security.

Improved transparency: Stakeholders are able to collaborate easily with the project managers and have a better understanding of the decisions made and the status of the projects. Digitization of materials and products reduces unforseen risks, miscommunication and misunderstandings that may arise, whilst creating a better environment to enforce agility in the management of projects. This improved transparency leads to innovative results and a satisfied stakeholder base.

Cost reduction: This is a two-faced factor in most organizations, well embraced by other stakeholders but frowned upon by the employees. As stated in my earlier post, it is nonetheless inevitable and the PM’s should ensure that all stakeholders are well informed on why products or services have to be digitized before commencement. A primary benefit is in reduced costs since it is cheaper and effecient to process information in a figitized platform. Moreover, costly errors that may be caused by humans are significantly reduced.

It also means that any changes in a project, whether compliance, legal or regulatory changes, they can easily be communicated by the PM to all the key players efficiently and faster.

Business strategies are no longer too naive to disengage digitization in their plans if the demand on the services of PMs is to be used as a KPI. Successful businesses have realized the need to nurture the relationship between these two, digitization & project management) in uninterruptedly creating business values so that they can run their projects efficiently and effectively. The only true advantage that an organization can have over it’s competitors is to be ahead with digitization.

Digitization it is. 🙂